Sunday, February 22, 2009

How does his glasses stay on his face?

Well I'm back. It's been awhile since I've done this but there has been some hefty changes since my last post. After years of planning and waiting my wife and I moved to the Gold Coast of Australia. Yep after 30 old years in Canada and a handful in that giant trailer part known as Florida we hoped a big ol' plane and flew downunder.

Now what? Well I didn't want to come of as a deadbeat (you know that whole thing about first impressions) so we found jobs in our second week and have been taking things day by day since then. That was back in October. Other then a rough patch here and there (i.e. not having a car, decent sushi, and a bit of homesickness) everything is going well.

I don't get much hockey and what I do get is mostly east coast games so that kind of sucks, but hey beggars can't be choosers. I was able to find a new Dojo to train at but it pales in comparison to what we left behind in Richmond at West Coast Jujitsu with Sensei Lori O'Connell.

All in all life is good here. I will have to say that the mentality around here gets some getting used to. I do find that there are some real idiots here but I guess that can be said about any country. I love listening to how much they hate the Americans and how ignorant they can be. When the topic comes up, and it does because for some reason they think that Canada and the US are the same country, they rant about the war, American arrogance, the crappy condition the US is in, US intolerance, and how bad their beer is.

Here's the rub...

Yet when these people travel they head overseas to the US in their Polo shirts, Levi jeans, wearing Eminem t shirts, listening to Jay Z or Fall Out Boy, the top shows here are Two and a Half Men, Desperate Housewives, and How I Met Your Mother. They pay 10 times the price for imported US sodas (3.50 for a A&W rootbeer) and will do anything to get their hands on the latest Paris Hilton news. The hypocrisy is staggering.


In other news I got yelled at by a drunk Dude with no nose. Yeah all he had was a big hole in the middle of his face. I have no clue what happened or how he would wear glasses. He was drunk at the time and I figured he had a right to be pissed off and let it go.
it can only get weirder.

Anyways that is what's going on. I'll try to keep you posted but can't promise anything.


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