Sunday, February 22, 2009

How does his glasses stay on his face?

Well I'm back. It's been awhile since I've done this but there has been some hefty changes since my last post. After years of planning and waiting my wife and I moved to the Gold Coast of Australia. Yep after 30 old years in Canada and a handful in that giant trailer part known as Florida we hoped a big ol' plane and flew downunder.

Now what? Well I didn't want to come of as a deadbeat (you know that whole thing about first impressions) so we found jobs in our second week and have been taking things day by day since then. That was back in October. Other then a rough patch here and there (i.e. not having a car, decent sushi, and a bit of homesickness) everything is going well.

I don't get much hockey and what I do get is mostly east coast games so that kind of sucks, but hey beggars can't be choosers. I was able to find a new Dojo to train at but it pales in comparison to what we left behind in Richmond at West Coast Jujitsu with Sensei Lori O'Connell.

All in all life is good here. I will have to say that the mentality around here gets some getting used to. I do find that there are some real idiots here but I guess that can be said about any country. I love listening to how much they hate the Americans and how ignorant they can be. When the topic comes up, and it does because for some reason they think that Canada and the US are the same country, they rant about the war, American arrogance, the crappy condition the US is in, US intolerance, and how bad their beer is.

Here's the rub...

Yet when these people travel they head overseas to the US in their Polo shirts, Levi jeans, wearing Eminem t shirts, listening to Jay Z or Fall Out Boy, the top shows here are Two and a Half Men, Desperate Housewives, and How I Met Your Mother. They pay 10 times the price for imported US sodas (3.50 for a A&W rootbeer) and will do anything to get their hands on the latest Paris Hilton news. The hypocrisy is staggering.


In other news I got yelled at by a drunk Dude with no nose. Yeah all he had was a big hole in the middle of his face. I have no clue what happened or how he would wear glasses. He was drunk at the time and I figured he had a right to be pissed off and let it go.
it can only get weirder.

Anyways that is what's going on. I'll try to keep you posted but can't promise anything.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Skippy takes a beating...

I know it’s been a while since I have written on this thing. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t want people to think that I have no life and just blog all day, or if it’s because nothing has really inspired me in the last few weeks. Whatever, I’ll just get on with it.

Today’s topic is kind of a rehash of the last instalment. Only it’s in another country, far away from North America, but it does demonstrate that ignorance and cruelty have no boundaries.

So down in Australia some morons decide that they need to demonstrate their dominance over the local wildlife. I am suspecting that they did put some thought into this and before actually engaging any of nature’s beasts, in this case a kangaroo, they took the time to learn some fighting disciplines and techniques so not to go in unprepared.

Now normally I would support this. I completely enjoy watching people square off against wild animals. Roy of Sigfried and Roy had his time with that white tiger, Steve Irwin and the sting ray, one of my personal favourites was of some dumb chick jumping the barrier at a zoo to get closer to a polar bear for a picture. All ended in either death or sever mauling! Most have the animal at a disadvantage (save the Steve Irwin incident but that’s going to happen when you let your guard down) but the end result is basically the same. Don’t screw around with Mother Nature.

Here’s the Rub…

These losers decided to increase their chances of winning by finding a lame, smaller animal that would have avoided conflict. They found a kangaroo that had been previously struck by a vehicle then proceeded to videotape the beating of this defenceless animal, severely injuring it further and possibly leaving it to die. The fate of the animal is not known unfortunately.

Now all of Australia is hunting these bastards down trying to bring them to justice. I am not familiar with Australian law in these matters but I hope to God that it is nothing like the laws we have here in BC. If they are then all they will get is a stern lecture, a lollipop, and be forced to promise that they will never do that again before we send them off to therapy to assist them in getting through all the trauma the whole justice system just put them through. Don’t worry though our taxes will cover it all.

Personally I think that, if and when they do catch these pricks, they should have a rematch with another kangaroo that is a little more on it’s game. Same health level would be nice. Let them go at it for 3 rounds no holds barred and only one can walk out. That would be a video worth watching.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why We Need Public Beatings...

I saw an article in a paper the other day that ticked me off. Some jerk tossed a 3 month old kitten into on of those kitchen grease dumpster that restaurants use. They look like mini garbage dumpsters but have a smaller opening for the grease that’s covered by a grate. They smell like hell and, I’m sure, are full of a lot of other unhealthy crap other then the grease. No one knows how long the kitten was in there for or why some douche bag would do this.

There are some many other ways to get rid of unwanted pets these days that it is really unnecessary to be this cruel. There’s newspapers, the internet, SPCA (although I am not really fond of them) and various animal services out there that would have taken less effort then it took to life the grate off the grease bin to stuff the kitten in. It would have been more humane to have left it in the middle of a field. But no, this jerk needed to inflict a little pain and suffering before hand. Christ it’s not even something that you would brag about, “Hey Dude! I just messed up a kitten…real bad!”

Now the police have asked the public for help in hopes that they catch this moron.

Here’s the rub…

Let’s say they do get this idiot. Then what? We waste money on prosecuting the cretin, they get a slap on the wrist, pay a fine, and the best part, they‘re prohibited from owning any animals for a year or two. Who is going to monitor this scumbag to make sure they don’t pick up another animal to torture?

How about instead of paying a fine they are forced to work at one of these animal protection agencies? I think a couple of years of picking up their crap would be great for them. Add that to making this bottom feeder endure the same trauma that they inflicted on to the animal and I think we have a lead onto some adequate punishment. I know of several people that would love to toss this waste of flesh into a grease trap for a few days. Hell I’ll take time of work to make sure he stays in there.

BTW the kitten survived and is recuperating. The vet said it is going to survive and there have been several inquires from people that would like to adopt.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

I like fights. To be more specific I like watching the Mixed Martial Arts fights that have become so popular recently. I’ve a fan for some years now having watched the second UFC back in the early 90’s. Back then though it was a very different game. No weight classes or rounds, and no one was really training the way they do now. It was basically a brawler free for all with no holds barred, mixed with a few disciplines like Karate, Boxing, Judo, and Wrestling. This was all the created by the Gracie family to give them a chance to see which fighting style would be the best. I think it was really a chance for them to showcase Gracie Jiu-Jitsu which is a Brazilian style of the marital art.

Anyways I watched a few of the Pay Per Views then lost interest shortly after. It lacked the character and entertainment value that it has today. Today’s MMA matches are generally run under unified rules that include weight divisions, rules, time limits and rounds. A few years ago the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) jumped aboard the reality show bandwagon and created a show called “The Ultimate Fighter” ever since the inaugural season I’ve gotten hooked again.

The fighters these days are athletes. They train in multiple disciplines trying to be multidimensional when it comes to competing in the ring. The fighters of old have been systematically eradicated from the sport by the more developed and complete fighter of today. This is demonstrated perfectly by the Matt Hughes V. Royce Gracie bout a few years back. Royce Gracie decided that he would re-enter the Octagon and taken on the then Welterweight Champion Matt Hughes for a catch weight non title bout.

I believe Royce wanted this fight to get his family name back into the now booming MMA market. I also feel that he believed he was unbeatable, having been the first UFC champ back in the day. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is still highly regarded and one of the most popular styles of the art today. Matt Hughes on the other hand, has a wrestling background and worked with one of the best MMA camps in the business Militich Fighting Systems in Iowa. I believe Matt initially took the match for the challenge and for the prestige of fighting one of the most dominant of the Gracie family fighters.

As the fight day drew closer it seemed that Royce’s lips got looser and his trash talk flowed like a river. He would explain in great detail how this (the UFC) was the house that he built, how hard and intense he was training, how Matt Hughes doesn’t have the skills to beat him, and how he was going to submit him, pick him up and send him home. Royce Gracie had a plan and nothing was going to change that or the outcome.

Now Here’s the Rub…

Matt Hughes only had one response to all this talk. He said and I quote…

“Everyone has a plan…until they get punched in the face.”

Needless to say Royce was so severely dominated by Hughes that it sent a shock wave through the Gracie’s family. It was Royce who was sent packing with his head hung low and tail between his legs. Hughes proved by applying a tight arm bar, that almost ripped Royce’s should apart, then sitting on him and pounding his head to near mush that being a one dimensional fighter is not going to cut it in MMA today.

Where did his plan go? From what I saw he didn’t get a chance to execute it. I don’t think it was due to a punch to the face but because of a flurry or whacks to the noggin. Another great example of this is the Anderson Silva - James Irvin bout bout. I am sure that they planned, trained, and prepared for this bout extensively. Unfortunately one of them had a better idea.

Can you spot when he stopped following his plan?


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dumb Asses + Cops =Entertainment

I love watching those trashy cop shows. Not the night time dramas like Law & Order or any of the continually multiplying CSI shows, but the reality type ones with the crappy camera work and the cheesy narrative. On Spike TV. they play Disorderly Conduct early in the morning , man there is nothing better then getting up to watch some jackass get taken down by half the law enforcement in the area. I find that the best footage normally comes out of Florida and most of the other southern states.

The other night I was watching one of these shows and some naked chick whacked out on crystal meth stole a cop car and led a half dozen cops on a wild chase that finished off in what looked like and construction site. When the cops pulled into the site and found the empty cop car they began their search of the area. Now finding a naked meth head on a construction site isn’t really a difficult task so it only took a few seconds before they found her. The really funny part (not that it hasn’t been hilarious so far) was when all the cops were running to help take her down. Out of nowhere comes this fat tub of goo cop that looks like a Michelin Man wrapped in black trailing behind. This lard ass couldn’t even run he was doing what I would call a quick waddle. Priceless!

Now these shows have been on for years and with the all the different types of recording equipment and surveillance I don’t see them going away anytime soon. The world is full of morons and enough crack to keep us in crazy cop chase and take down footage until the end of time.

My personal favourite is always the take down! I guess this stems from an incident that my best friend and I witnessed some years ago. We were coming home from the bar one night and in the middle of the road we were on was a cruiser with the lights blaring. The driver side door was wide open and on the ground was some cretin lying on his stomach, the cop kneeling on his back with his gun drawn and pointed at this dude’s head.

Now here’s the Rub…

Not only is it a known fact here in Canada that the RCMP (not the city police thought) only pull there weapon as a last resort, which in most cases is if their life is in danger, but they are trained to go for the killing shot. So here lays this piece of trash, cop kneeling on his back, gun to his head, and for some ungodly reason he is still struggling. Much like 99.9% of the mucus spawn that are on the TV shows. The old adage that “they aren’t going to take me without a fight” should really be rethought by these Dinks. Or at least they should apply it to a time when they have better odds.

Getting pulled over by two cops when you’re smashed and giving them a chance to call and have back up arrive before you decided to go down swinging is not a great plan. Nor is the jump from the car and run after you’ve run it into a street sign of tree. You’re going to have at least 6 cops on you already with the chances that 3 of them are going to be in shape and one has a dog. Add that to the helicopter that is following you and you are officially screwed, done, and hooped!

Truly all I can say is keep it up. I love it! It is a great way for me to start my day. I highly doubt that these people are going to learn from their mistakes. Most likely they will find someone else to blame and there will be the people that will cry for them. As long as I still get to see their heads and bodies hit the pavement hard all is good.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Full Moon Noon

Across the street from where I work there is this old crappy house that a guy we call the No-Ass Man lives in with is Charles Manson look-a-like roommate. Creepy I know. The reason we call him the No Ass man is that he wears these jeans and basically they make him look like he has no ass.

My manager has had to deal with him a few times and once when he came into speak with her I forgot his real name, so I told her the No Ass man was here and she knew right away who I was talking about. Since then the name has stuck.

But here’s the Rub…

Now that the weather has gotten better No Ass Man has been doing some work on the outside of his house. Mainly in the front which faces both one of the busiest streets in the city and my place of employment. Now every time he stretches up, bends over, or kneels down he proves to all of us that the name “No Ass Man” is the wrong moniker.

This guy is also defying physics! He wears a belt but they keep falling below his butt. The first few times were pretty funny but now it’s just getting stupid. Can he not feel the breeze? WTF? I cannot look up from my desk with out catching a glimpse and it ruins my appetite for the day (which isn’t a bad thing as I could stand to loose a few lbs) and I am sure it’s causing irreparable physiological damage. I put this one on my list of idiots who by clothes just because they come in their size. Another bad choice but that’s a topic for another day.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Being Seagull.

I was kickin’ around at my buddy’s beach house on the weekend. We sat around and drank beer, ate bbq, and bullshitted the weekend away. I got up really early one morning and went for a walk on the beach and ended up sitting on the rock jetty watching the seagulls and waves. I made the choice to sit on the rocks because of the seagulls that were up there. I wanted to find out what is so interesting to them up there and after reading Jonathon Livingston Seagull I had it in my head that seagulls have a decent life.

Now here's the Rub.

When it comes’ right down to it being a seagull sucks! The rocks were uncomfortable and hard, the poles in the water they stand on move around a lot, and the food! Not only do they get to eat the crap end of seafood but they have to work really hard to get at it. I wonder how they can tell if it’s OK to eat or not? I guess when your willing to eat the face off a dead seal (which I saw happening while I was there) you’re really not fussy and your stomach is made of iron. Their feet are pretty ugly too. Not that mine is a whole lot better but as a human we do have access to shoes of all colours and styles.

The only thing that I can say they have going for them is the flying. Now flying around on your own power would be pretty cool but in this case I would rather have a good bed, comfy chair, and great food. Yeah being a seagull or any type of beach bird sucks in my books. Superman, now he had it pretty good. He could fly, had decent feet, and could eat anything he wanted as long as it wasn’t laced with kryptonite. Although he did have to wear the dumb costume and cape I’m sure that it was difficult to clean.
