Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Being Seagull.

I was kickin’ around at my buddy’s beach house on the weekend. We sat around and drank beer, ate bbq, and bullshitted the weekend away. I got up really early one morning and went for a walk on the beach and ended up sitting on the rock jetty watching the seagulls and waves. I made the choice to sit on the rocks because of the seagulls that were up there. I wanted to find out what is so interesting to them up there and after reading Jonathon Livingston Seagull I had it in my head that seagulls have a decent life.

Now here's the Rub.

When it comes’ right down to it being a seagull sucks! The rocks were uncomfortable and hard, the poles in the water they stand on move around a lot, and the food! Not only do they get to eat the crap end of seafood but they have to work really hard to get at it. I wonder how they can tell if it’s OK to eat or not? I guess when your willing to eat the face off a dead seal (which I saw happening while I was there) you’re really not fussy and your stomach is made of iron. Their feet are pretty ugly too. Not that mine is a whole lot better but as a human we do have access to shoes of all colours and styles.

The only thing that I can say they have going for them is the flying. Now flying around on your own power would be pretty cool but in this case I would rather have a good bed, comfy chair, and great food. Yeah being a seagull or any type of beach bird sucks in my books. Superman, now he had it pretty good. He could fly, had decent feet, and could eat anything he wanted as long as it wasn’t laced with kryptonite. Although he did have to wear the dumb costume and cape I’m sure that it was difficult to clean.


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